Dikke Duo Dagen

Dikke Duo Dagen

In my years of managing Pathé, we were faced with many threats such as streaming services, loss of habit, covid, and a slimming wallet. We had to get creative to make people fall in love with Pathé again.

Some highlights:

Keeping Pathé the

#1 cinema brand in NL

Pathé saw that students were the target group that they were losing most rapidly. Due to loss of habit and streaming services, we had to develop something clever to get them back in.

That’s why we introduced De Dikke Duo Dagen, where two days before stufi (student loan) comes in, students are targeted in a hilarious TOV on social, DOOH, and radio, offering discounts, and a chance to win more at in-cinema activations, only on those two broke days. It proved a great success amongst students.

Afterwards, they were retargeted with ads promoting the Unlimited membership so they would never be without a cinema experience, even when broke.



To celebrate National Popcorn Day, we launched the physical and digital popcorn cookbook Popped. It was filled with recipes created by culinary influencers who helped spread the activation further.

125 years Pathé

125 years Pathé

When Pathé turned 125 they wanted to celebrate in a big way. That’s why we made a heritage film and released social content and an interactive face filter that lets you travel back in time.

Choose the real deal

Choose the real deal

To remind everyone again what it’s like to experience the real deal in the cinema, we drew funny comparisons on social, OOH and had in-cinema ads that went deeper into what choosing the real experience is.



Pathé is reknowed for its witty social account. For each campaign there were additional social posts. Here are some favourites.



With summers getting hotter, we needed to find a reason to make the cinema more appealing. That’s why we found clever ways to lure customers in: we stayed open later and told everyone in popular summer destinations to extend their summer nights at Pathé.

Spoiler alerts

Spoiler alerts

Pathé also needed to be more visible in the streets; our mission was to remind people that Pathé was always an option for them. That’s why we created cheeky spoiler alerts on buses and trams.